Service Selection(NegotiatingUsers to Our Goal)by Predicting Users’ Psychological Manner (Iridology); Computer Position Next to Users
Web services are becoming a common and convenient means of doing business over the Internet. More-and-more web services are kept on arriving over the Internet, offering the same set of services to the end users. The availability of similar web services increases the complexity of discovery as well as the selection process of web services. The traditional way of discovery of web service involves keyword based searching followed by manual selection. The keyword based search is not efficient. In this paper, we have used an improved mechanism for web service selection based on website as a negotiator. As interest in website owners arises not only to keep their customers but also increase the number of deals and interests. By effective negotiating, more income, than any other competitors will be obtained. Improving in business has number of rules which sellers should obey. The business rules such as negotiation, body language, time management, and selling strategy have been completely discussed in M.B.A And D.B.A courses. At the same time, for websites there is not that much information. In this study we are going to introduce new rules for websites to act more effective as a negotiator. Company managers before any negotiation, should choose the best negotiator. This duty has different step. Important step is that the negotiators should be studied different courses related to strategy of negotiation. Second step is to realize customers’ position on the negotiation table and his personal behavior. Now a day’s websites are an important negotiator for any companies. To be the best in this mission we use the iridology and position of computer comparing to user’s place.
Dr. Amir Reza Shahbazkia,International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol.8 Issue.5, May-2019, pg. 65-71©2019
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