CLINICAL IRIDOLOGY – Russian Translation regarding iridology changes after surgery trauma.
UDC 617.7-071.2Ukolova ES Student Likhogray L. I. Student Supervisor: Urbansky [...]
UDC 617.7-071.2Ukolova ES Student Likhogray L. I. Student Supervisor: Urbansky [...]
Çetin Kurnaz*, Burak Kürşat GülDepartment of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, [...]
Author:Yu, Tania Weidan Citable URI: Other Contributors:Massachusetts Institute of [...]
Original Article The Journal of Korean Medicine 2018; 39(2): 56-63. [...]
Enrique V. Carrera Jennifer Maya 1.Departamento de Eléctrica y ElectrónicaUniversidad de las Fuerzas [...]
Abstract Iridology can prove that iris keeps information one’s health. [...]
Abstract The paper focuses on the history of origination and [...]
Abstract Specific features of the eye iris were studied at [...]
Abstract: Heart is an organ which function is to pump [...]
Methods: 352 patients with different diseases (mostly of the hepatic-bilary [...]